We are climate positive

By staying overnight at the Hotel Luise you are actively doing something against climate change. Since we are a climate-positive hotel, the guest has bound more CO2 through his overnight stay than he caused. That’s great! And you can rightly feel a little like a superhero!

The Hote Luise is a climate hotel and certified climate positive by Viabono. We analyze, calculate and fully compensate for our CO2 footprint. For example, we calculate the travel routes of our employees, the cut flowers on our tables and much more. So that we really don’t overlook anything, we play it safe and add a risk premium of 20% on top. And we then overcompensate for this value with an additional 10%. Pretty complicated? Sure! But it doesn’t even stop there.

We are very committed to the region, only have permanent employees and rely on regional and organic certified food. For us, sustainability is not a trendy word. Sustainability is what drives us – for over 30 years.

Long story short: An overnight stay with us in a climate-positive hotel is not just damage control, but is an active contribution to treating your fellow human beings fairly and making the world a little more suitable for granddaughters.

Why not climate neutral? Why climate positve?

“We are climate neutral,” is written on more and more products and websites. But what does it exactly mean? And why is the Creativhotel Luise climate-positive and not climate-neutral?

Every company can have a carbon footprint created for the entire company or for a product. But not all footprints are the same. You can determine the extent of your footprint yourself. While some only analyze electricity and thermal energy, others include the vehicle fleet or even the liters of coffee drunk in the office. Unfortunately, comparability is often not really possible. However, it is primarily important to keep the footprint as small as possible from the outset. An oil company could also be climate neutral if it plants enough trees.

Making your actions climate-neutral is a step in absolutely the right direction. But it just means you’re a zero number. Although you neutralize your bad actions (in this case CO2 emissions), you are not actively doing anything good for the environment. You’re just neutral. We claim that our existence was not in vain; we want to actively leave a positive footprint and impression. We want to improve the climate – for ourselves and future generations. That’s why we are climate positive – meaning we bind more CO2 than we produce.

As Hotel Luise, we have been completely climate-neutral since 2010 and were the first hotel in Europe to be certified climate-positive since 2015.