The Circular Hotel Room

Ein Hotelzimmer mit Doppelbett auf der rechten Seite. Auf der linken Seite befindet sich eine Sitznische mit zwei Sitzplätzen und einem Tisch. Im Hintergrund ist eine offene Tür zu sehen, die zum Badezimmer führt.

The tourism industry is still dominated by a throwaway mentality. Mini amenities in the bathrooms and rooms in general, as well as small packaging at breakfast buffets, are commonplace in many places. Sustainable hotels can usually be found in the high-priced sector. But that’s just the obvious, because little attention is paid to recycling cycles during construction, and hardly any attention is paid to the origin and composition of purchased furniture. The circular hotel room at the Creativhotel Luise shows a way

how sustainable and resource-saving tourism, both in the furnishing and operation of hotel rooms, is possible without putting undue strain on customers’ wallets. The concept of the circular hotel room® can be applied to every hotel or guesthouse, as well as to private living spaces. It is fundamentally based on the Cradle-to-Cradle© principle, a holistic approach to the resources used from the beginning to the end:

Our goal was to create something new. So extraordinary that it will be a big challenge for us too.

Ben Förtsch

If you want to counteract climate change in the long term, you have to look at the overall picture. That’s exactly what we’re trying to do with the renewable hotel room®. Demolition, conversion, use of resources and recycling were and are considered according to the Cradle-to-Cradle© principle and implemented as sustainably as possible. We do not lose sight of the guest’s comfort requirements.

Dismantling = garbage? None of the circular hotel rooms®!

When selecting materials, attention was paid to responsible manufacturing processes and environmental compatibility. The renewable hotel room integrates e.g. B. a shower technology from NASA that saves 90% water and 80% energy. Wood-friendly ceilings made of straw do not use glue containing formaldehyde. 100% recyclable carpet tiles made from fishing nets are durable and soundproof. Because its production requires a lot of energy, metal was replaced by wood. Screws are reduced or replaced by plug connections and environmentally friendly glue. However, anyone who stays in a climate-positive hotel produces 58.6% less CO2 than elsewhere.

Nachwachsende Junior Suite mit Sitzecke

The hotel maintains fair relationships with its workforce, which is 100% permanent and is guided by the Diversity Charter. All employees are trained in sustainability, so that ecologically friendly room cleaning is guaranteed. Craftsmen come from the region and are long-term partners. In this way, the climate hotel supports the regional value chain and encourages its partners to work outside the box and to deal with ecological materials and construction methods. They are also required to document how many km they drive on behalf of the hotel. The hotel compensates for the resulting CO2 emissions: it supports reforestation in the Climate Hotels Forest in Panama and has already planted over 11,000 trees there.